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MDOT Construction Project on Route 1

Next Monday MDOT will be lining the deteriorated stormwater line on the West side of Elm St. from Mechanic St. to the Opera House.  The parking spaces on that side of the road from Bluebird on the corner of Main St and Mechanic all the way to the Opera House will be coned off and the stormwater line work will be complete by the end of the day Wednesday.  The relining of the storm water line by MDOT will take much less time than if the line had to be excavated and replaced.  The process may cause some odors but will not last long.

For questions, please contact Karen Libby the Maine Department of Transportation Project Resident at 207 215-3945 or

Get in Touch

PO Box 1207
29 Elm Street
Camden ME  04843
Hours of Operation:
Mon -Fri 7:30 am to 3:30 pm