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Remote Policy

Camden Select Board
PART I: Board Member Participation Policy

Pursuant to 1 M.R.S. § 403-B, and after public notice and hearing, the Camden Select Board (“The Body”) adopts the following policy to govern remote participation of its members and the public in public proceedings and/or meetings.

Whenever possible, members of the body are expected to be physically present for public proceedings and meetings.

The body, or members thereof, may meet via remote methods. Remote methods of participation may include the following:

  • Telephone
  • Video conference technology, allowing simultaneous broadcast and reception of information
  • All other means necessary to accommodate disabled

Remote participation shall not be limited to text-only means, such as: E-mail, text message, or a chat function.

When a member cannot be physically present, said member shall notify the chair, or presiding officer of the body.
PART II: Staff and Public Participation Policy

The public will be provided the opportunity to attend public proceedings and meeting in person.

Notice of all meetings will be provided in accordance with 1 M.R.S. § 406 and any applicable charter, ordinance, policy, or bylaw.

The public, other meeting participants, and contributors, such as town staff, shall be provided an opportunity to attend via remote methods.

Remote methods of participation may include the following:

  • Telephone
  • Video conference technology, allowing simultaneous reception of information
  • All other means necessary to accommodate disabled

Remote participation shall not be limited to text-only means, such as: E-mail, text message, or a chat function.

Notice of the remote meeting will include the means by which the public may access the meeting and will provide a method for disabled persons to request necessary accommodation to access the meeting.

As applicable, said notice will identify a location where the public may attend the meeting in person.

Part III: Remote Voting Procedures

 A member of the body who participates remotely will be considered present for purposes of a quorum and voting.

All votes taken during a remote meeting will be by roll call vote that can be seen and heard when using video technology, or heard if using audio technology, by other members of the body and the public.

This policy will remain in force indefinitely unless amended or rescinded.

Approved by Select Board on  September 7, 2021





Get in Touch

PO Box 1207
29 Elm Street
Camden ME  04843
Hours of Operation:
Mon -Fri 7:30 am to 3:30 pm